Tunable luminescence properties and energy transfer of Ba3NaLa(PO4)3F:Tb3+,Sm3+
phosphors with apatite structure

Tb3+–Sm3+co-doped Ba3NaLa(PO4)3F phosphors with apatite structure have been prepared by a high temperature solid-state reaction, and their luminescence properties have been investigated in detail. As a result of fine-tuning of the emission composition of the Tb3+ and 3+ ions, tunable luminescence properties can be realized by combining the emission of Tb3+ and Sm3+ in a single host lattice under UV light excitation. The emission color of the obtained phosphors can be modulated from green to yellow by controlling the doping content of the Sm3+ ions with the fixed Tb3+ content. These results indicate the series of phosphors can be acted as a good candidate for the application in white light-emitting diodes.

This paper has been published on Journal of Luminescence, 2016, 169B: 739-743

Adjusting the layer charges of host phyllosilicates to prevent luminescence
quenching of fluorescence dyes

有机发光小分子应用于发光材料具有化学修饰性强,发射光谱覆盖范围宽等特点。但是单纯的有机小分子易发生浓度猝灭效应而发光效率很低。 在这项研究中我们构筑了一个新型的层电荷可调的无机/有机复合材料,将具有发光性能的光泽精插入到不同层电荷的皂石层间, 为光泽精提供具有不同电场强度的限域微环境,提高了光泽精的发光效率。相比于光泽精固体,这种复合材料的荧光寿命提高了26倍, 发光强度增强了14倍以上,热稳定性也有了显著的提高。这种层电荷可调的光泽精/皂石复合材料,可使光泽精分子均匀的分布在皂石层间域中, 不同层电荷的皂石层板可对光泽精分子产生不同的静电引力,防止光泽精分子聚集而引起荧光猝灭。这种复合材料有望解决有机发光小分子在有机物器件化中存在的稳定性差、 使用寿命短等影响实际应用的问题。

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2015, 119: 22625-22631. IF=4.773

Influence of interlayer cations on organic intercalation of montmorillonite

本文主要研究了蒙脱石层间阳离子分别为Na+、K+、Mg2+、Ca2+、Fe3+时,在层间的排布位置、与片层的作用力等, 以及对蒙脱石的层间距、层间结合水的含量、与结合水的作用力等的影响。蒙脱石层间无机阳离子种类对有机阳离子插层的影响反映在阳离子结合水数量、 与结合水和片层的作用力方面。蒙脱石层间无机阳离子的价态越高,结合水数量越多,与结合水的作用力强, 水合阳离子半径越大,与蒙脱石片层的作用力越弱;同价态无机阳离子,结合水数量越多,水合离子半径越大, 与蒙脱石片层的作用力越弱。因此,蒙脱石层间无机阳离子周围结合水含量越多,与片层的作用力就越弱, 有机阳离子插层过程越易进行且插层量越大。这种实验和分子动力学模拟相结合的蒙脱石有机插层机理研究, 有助于探索有机蒙脱石的微观结构和指导相关工程中的应用。

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2015, 454: 1-7. SCI IF=3.368